We accept PDF files with bleeds (3-5mm)


File must be in the CMYK or PANTONE color space. You can control the number of colors you want in the Separation Preview panel in a work file or through Adobe Acrobat. Before making file it is necessary to know what paper will be used for printing and use the appropriate color management settings. Euroscale Coated settings can be used for coated paper, uncoated - Euroscale Uncoated. For specific papers, it is advisable to find a color profile on the paper manufacturer's website.


The images require a resolution of 300 dpi. Minimum 150 dpi. If the resolution is lower, then pictures will be grainy. It is advisable to keep Total Ink Limit under 300%, especially on uncoated paper.


Page size (Artboard, Page Setup) should match the desired size of the finished product. The same applies to irregular shapes (Die-cut). Graphic objects that go to the edge of the page or cutline need to be 3mm over final size (make bleeds). When saving a file, turn on the Bleed option – 5mm. PRINTING BLACKS Black text should be only in Black color (C0; M0; Y0; K100). Large black areas, but not texts, to provide a sufficient color density are recommended to be painted in the color C30; M30: Y30; K100.


Fonts used for texts must be included. If the program says it is not possible due to limited licenses, then the text should be outlined (Outlines, Curves).


Trim marks and fold marks can be shown in file, but they should be at least 3mm from the edges of the product (in Adobe Illustrator, Offset setting).


For die-cut works Cutline should be in file, but in Spot color with an enabled Overprint setting. Important objects and text should be positioned at a safe distance from the Cutline, preferably 5mm. For regular cutting work minimum 3mm.


UV varnish, elements of the emboss and foil should be in Spot Color and enabled Overprint setting, or in a separate page.


For multi-page works, all pages must be in the same file in the correct order, including blank pages. Each page must be made as separate page, do not make page spreads. All pages in PDF file must have same dimensions and orientation.


In saddle-stitched brochures, number of pages should divide by 4. For spiral binding, number of pages should be even. From page edge leave at least 1 cm blank space for spiral holes.


A hard cover and glued cover should be prepared in a separate file (Spread) with a back cover calculated according to the number of pages and the thickness of the paper. Ask the precise size to your project manager.